Thursday, September 20, 2012


...all my troubles seemed so far I did some pretty shopping :-) Yeah, I know this sounds weird. What I meant to say is that I went to town to do some shopping that I had to do and I ended up buying some things that I did not need-need, but that I enjoy so. I wanted to buy a coffee cup and saucer from Villeroy&Boch, but I did not like what I saw in the shop so I went to Laura Ashley's. They have a different kind of china, one that feels more robust, not as delicate and fine as that produced by V&B, but just as nice looking. This is my new acquisition:
Since I was there, I saw these lovely wall stickers for my baby girl, so I had to take them home with me.
And just before returning home, I bought a few plants to put together for a winter pot on the balcony. These very cold nights and mornings inspire me to do so and I am quite pleased with the result


  1. Mi-as lua si eu o ceasca din aia, dar ar trebui, sa ajung la Atena , ca sa gasesc un raion de produse Laura Ashley :)
    In jardinera ai pus erica pitica ? Asa mi se pare ...

  2. :-) Eu am noroc din punct de vedere al cumparaturilor - Luxemburgul e mic, dar foarte cosmopolit pentru dimensiunea sa, asa ca se gasesc majoritatea marcilor importante. Sincer, prefer seturile de la Villeroy & Boch, dar, cum ziceam, nu aveau nimic pe gustul meu acum, desi e un magazin mare, dar colectiile de acum nu mi se potrivesc prea bine.

    Am pus panselute si ...bruyere se numeste aici. Habar nu am cum ii zice in romana, dar uite ca o voi cauta acum

  3. Da, aveai dreptate, denumire latina este Calluna din familia ericaceelor
