Monday, May 5, 2014

April Blooms Close-up

April is gone, but I have some photos I took and I wanted to post.
They're showing a close look at some of my flowers.

 There is so much beauty in a simple tiny pansy!
 The anemone pulsatilla is a gorgeous flower that I'm so in love with.
It looks so special and delicate...
 ...and there is so much fluffiness about it :)

 The strawberry flowers look lovely through the macro lens
 And my lilac is the most beautiful kind, with its white edges

 Not so close-up, but I wanted to ad this photo of my vintage metal container full of late-flowering muscari.

1 comment:

  1. Toate sunt frumoase, dar muscari si pulastilla arata cumva special. Iar liliacul e impresionant, nu-mi vine sa-mi iau ochii de la el.
