Monday, November 24, 2014

Bouquets of Late Autumn

As expected, the first frost hasn't arrived yet and I keep gathering a few roses now and then.
Probably, if I had more time to take care of my flowers, there would have been more, but winter arrives with such lack of energy for me plus the loads of germs that my girl brings from the creche and always shares with me :)
Still, I've managed to plant all the bulbs and clean a decent part of the garden.
Now I just need to cover all those rose cuttings I took and we're (almost) good for winter.
Here are some photos of small bouquets I brought indoors during this month of November.

Of course, colours needn't only come from blooms...


  1. Ei, chiar ai postat dupa gandul meu :) Minunate buchetelele ! Sa stii, ca te pomenesc de fiecare data cand aranjez flori in vaza :)

    1. Dragă Dani,
      Mărturisesc că îmi place că te gândești la mine când faci lucruri așa drăguțe :)
