Friday, December 5, 2014

First Snow this Winter

We've waited and waited and we've been jealous (just a bit, really) on our friends and family in Romania who had their first snow in October, but this week, we've also had a bit of the white stuff, much to my kids' delight.

It was no big snow, no roads blocked, no shovelling, but it was enough for the kids to play a bit and pretend it's a proper winter :)

These are a few photos I took in the garden, just before the snow melted.

Pretty, isn't it?



  1. Imi inchipui bucuria celor mici :) Si vad ca ai un paznic de nadejde :) Intotdeauna mi-au placut bufnitele ... O iarna frumoasa, Ioana !

    1. Daaaa, așteptau de mult timp zăpada. Iarna trecută nu a fost aproape deloc, dar anul ăsta mergem în România, la Brașov de Crăciun și revelion, deci sigur găsim noi undeva zăpadă mare :)
      Bufnița am luat-o acum vreo 2 ani tot ca bucurie pentru cei mici, dar recunosc că îmi e simpatică și mie

    2. Sigur gasiti zapada acasa. Ar fi culmea sa nu fie albi Bucegii :)

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