Monday, February 2, 2015

A Walk in the Park

I've been watching all kinds of British gardening shows these January weekends while looking at the wind/snow outside.

I longed for my gardening days, but made some plans to add 2 smallish beds and dig out some of the turf.

This weekend with the last day of January and the first one of February brought a lot of snow for a country like Luxembourg.

I do love shovelling the snow on the side-walk in front of the house and so do my kids :), but the shovelling thing does not allow for a smooth sleigh ride to the park as I was to discover this Sunday.

The park in my village looks really pretty in every season and my telephone photos do not do it justice, but I'm still posting these four photos I took.

The lake was frozen and it will only freeze more over the week to come, as big frosts are announced.

This viburnum is a joy to look at and smell in these wintery days.

I must confess I broke a small branch and brought it home with me, as I have no room for a viburnum bush in my tiny garden.


  1. Chiar si in parcul inghetat ai dat peste o tufa inflorita :) Cred ca si eu plecam cu o ramurica acasa. Data viitoare, fa un bulgare pentru mine :)

    1. Dani, rămurica aia îmi parfumează un etaj întreg din casă! Așa mă bucur că am luat-o!
      Voi pune ceva foto cu ea ... sper :)
