Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Early October Morning through Instagram

Autumn mornings have a certain something that makes them dream-like, that makes them look like scenes from a Bronte's novel. The country side here is simply picture perfect, at least to my eyes. This morning there was a light fog, but not the usual darkness coming with the cloudy skies. You could tell it'd be sunny later on in the day.
When I returned home, I made a couple of bouques from the garden, one of them with my best dahlia - chocolate coloured and even with a light chocolate fragrance.


  1. Chiar ca seamana cu un peisaj englezesc ... mai ales prima poza ... Dintotdeauna mi-au placut fotografiile voalate de ceata, romantismul, misterul, promisiunea caldurii si a ceaiului de acasa ... si o carte buna.
    Floarea de morcov salbatic ar merge de minune in buchetul de gherghine " chocolat " ...

    1. Chiar ar fi mers, dar nu am cules nimic in ziua aia, nimic in afara de imagini :)
