Friday, November 23, 2012

It's November

No, it's almost the end of November and I haven't written one single entry here.
Yeah, I've been busy with the garden and busy with my life in general. The gardening part included a considerable amount of time cleaning and moving plants before winter comes. Also, I still have a few bulbs left to plant after all the planting I've already done.
This year I decided to buy 4 new roses: 2 German and 2 French. The German ones are from Tantau. One is pink and the other one a rich red. I must say that their prices are very good compared to David Austin in the UK or Meilland and Delbard in France. Also, they were very quick in sending them to me and the 2 standard roses I received as bare roots were in great shape and in excellent packaging. All I can say now is that I am eager to see them bloom.
The other two roses I was planning to buy were from Meilland, in France: the famous climber Pierre de Ronsard and Charles de Gaulle as a standard rose. I have to say that I was very displeased with their client service: they wrote the wrong post code and the roses got stuck somewhere in Metz. I wrote to them immediately to change this and they said they would, but the address remained the same and the roses spent 2 weeks with the carrier and never got to me.
After a bit more than 2 weeks, I wrote to them to ask them what was happening to my roses and they said they were cancelling the order and I would be reimbursed. A month has passed and the money is yet to be returned in my account. Yeah, I am very disappointed.
Now, I plan to buy the Pierre de Ronsard from someone else, but gave up on Charles de Gaulle, which I plan to replace with Alexandra Princesse de Luxembourg, a Kordes creation.
I also want Jubilee Celebration from David Austin, as I loooove the shape of the flower. Now all I have to do, is find a nursery that sells all of them and delivers them to Luxembourg.

 Not all is ugly work and delivery troubles as far as garden work is concerned. I made some planters for the winter and I am really pleased with the result. I just hope we won't have those unusual frosts we had last winter and all the plants will thrive. Here are some details of my new winter planters


  1. Ce bine arata jardinierele !
    Imi pare rau, ca ai avut probleme cu trandafirii comandati. Eu inca ma socotesc, daca sa cumpar sau nu ... Pe Pierre de Ronsard il am din Italia, de la o pepiniera din San Remo si ii merge bine, l-am plantat anul trecut in primavara. Inca e mititel, dar sper sa-i vad florile in primavara ...

    1. Multumesc, Dani. Sunt chiar incantata de ele, arata bine si acum, dupa cateva nopti geroase la rand

      Da, sunt sigura ca lui Pierre ii merge de minune la tine. Din pacate clima la mine e foarte diferita - veri racoroase si ploioase - si nu sunt sigura ca ii va merge asa bine, mai ales ca voi incerca sa il urc pe o mica pergola. Vom vedea, planul acum e sa il iau in primavara din magazin si nu ca radacini nude, ca se dezvolta mai greu asa daca nu am apucat sa il plantez de toamna.
