Sunday, January 6, 2013

Rose-rich new year

That's what I hope for in terms of gardening: a new year with plenty of roses, roses for indoors and roses in the garden. Of course, there's more to gardening than roses, but I tend to develop an obsession about them. Well, I've heard of worse obsessions than this. I also have a few other things I wish for in the new year: - a better garden in terms of plants arrangement and quantity of blooms - taking more regular notes about what's going on - taking more photos with my camera instead of my phone And to prove that the third line is more of a wish than a resolution, here's a first one I took using the new version of Instagram, so yes, using my phone. There is a smal arrangement I made with some cypress twigs and oriental hellebores
On a different note - there's been a lot of bulb planting that I did in October and November and the first leaves are showing. However, the most developed ones are those I planted last spring and now they give me a surprise, a nice one indeed, since I was not sure they were going to bloom after being planted in April while in full bloom. Now, I am afraid of ugly forsts that would most certainly kill them - I am talking about hyacinths and tulips. Another very nice surprise came today, while I was cleaning a bit and I noticed two bunches of snowdrops that are fully grown and are about to bloom any time soon. I did not plant those, mine cannot be seen yet, I planted them kind of late. After a 3-weeks holiday, I came back home to a garden all prepared for spring. During my entire absence, there hasn't been a single night below zero. Now all the roses have buds for new branches, the delphinium is trying to send new shoots and the irises are also showing new growth. It is not supposed to be so at this time of the year and I do pray for warmer months, dreading the frosts we had in February 2012. L.E. a couple of pics taken with my camera :)

1 comment:

  1. Oooo, vacanta de trei saptamini ! La multi ani pentru ieri, Ioana ! Toate cele bune pentru 2013 si o gradina plina de roze si alte frumuseti !
    Iti urez vreme frumoasa, ca sa n-aiba de suferit plantutele proaspat rasarite.
    Minunat e trandafirasul de Craciun, petalele au un desen tare frumos :)
    Te imbratisez !
