Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Purple Tuesday

I felt like posting some pretty things today, although I'm away from my garden.
At a quick glance through my phone photo library I realised I wanted to post this photo of the smallest anemones in my garden.
They look quite similar to the wild white ones growing in the forests of Luxembourg, but they're purple. Much prettier! :)

And since I started with purple tones, I had to add these beautiful giant crocuses.
I have them in a pot and also in many places in the garden.

Here, they make a decent combination with the blue iris.

And here they're paid a visit by a busy bee.
Look at all that polen!


  1. Cred ca ti-am mai scris ca imi place albastrul irisilor langa movul crocusilor :) Anemone ca cele din prima poza n-am mai vazut de multisor ...

    1. Da, Dani, mi-ai mai zis, dar erau alți crocuși ăia :)
      Eu am luat anul trecut în primăvară anemonele respective și erau înflorite. Chiar așteptam să văd dacă revin anul ăsta și iată-le!

  2. Que flores más bonitas con eses color azul intenso.
    Te animo a echar un vistazo a mi post verás algunas ideas realmente interesantes, que creo te pueden inspirar. Deseo que pases un buen rato y espero que te guste y si es así y no eres seguidora espero que te hagas, gracias por visitarme. Elracodeldetall.blogspot.com
