Friday, May 22, 2015


It's soon the end of May and I am leaving tomorrow for a week away from my garden.
The garden is mostly green right now and there are not too many blooms, but many-many buds.
These beauties are putting their delicate flowers in the middle of the lush green.

This is pink Nora Barlow.
It's so easy to keep in the garden as it will self seed and I needed to take some out and give them to other gardeners, there were so many of them!
Among those self-seeded babies, I had this new hybrid surprise :)
Isn't this any keen gardener's dream?
Notice the difference between the aquilegia above and the one below?
Yes, this newer one has little trumpets, while the mother-plant does not.
Also, notice the last-standing Angelique tulips in the background.

And this is black Nora Barlow (yes, I like this Barlow kind a lot!).

And here is its surprise baby - another hybrid, this time an aquilegia with a single row of petals.
I must confess I like the mother-plant better in this case.

And this is whom I suspect they crossed with - a single row of petals with trumpets:

Not only aquilegias are in bloom right now, but also these big alium heads.
They smell so nice, too!


  1. Hm, "pedepsita" mea aduce a căldărușa din a 2-a fotografie :)

    1. M-am gandit si eu la asta. Faza tare este ca a mea s-a autohibridizat, eu n-am cumparat asa ceva :)

  2. Caldarusele se incruciseaza extrem de usor si isi schimba caracteristicile de la an la an. Mie imi plac toate :) Albe n-am reusit sa am pana acum.

    1. Daca vrei, iti pot trimite seminte intr-un plic, doar ca sunt sanse sa nu fie chiar albe :)

    2. Anul asta am avut foarte putine si nu vad sa rasara altele noi, asa ca semintele de orice fel sunt binevenite :) O sa-mi aduc si din Romania, mama are si ea mai multe culori, dar nu ma supar daca imi trimiti si tu :) Cu cat mai multe, cu atat mai bine :)

    3. Cu placere iti dau, Dani.
      Singura rugaminte este sa iti pui tu un reminder sa-mi trimiti adresa ta pe la mijlocul lui iulie cand cred ca voi avea seminte.
